The CTUR team presented at the 46th International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) in Corfu, Greece on 6th to 10th October 2024. Professors Jonathan Gershuny and Oriel Sullivan, Senior Research Fellow Juana Lamote and Research Fellow Elena Mylona will be in attendance. The team also had the opportunity to attend amazing talks and network with fellow time use researchers.
Access CTUR team's presentations at IATUR (coming soon):
Inputs, Output and and Outcomes: Measures of Human Wellbeing by Professor Jonathan Gershuny
Time use diary design for our times - general principles for online design
Time use data cleaning and management
Time use on childcare in the inter-generational co-residing family
Have a look at the CTUR team's photos at the 46th IATUR conference
Access the presentations of the CTUR team at the 46th IATUR conference: